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About Me

Dear Reader,



I hope this letter finds you well. If you can, steal a moment from your rushed life and read a story. Mine.


You must know, dear reader, that I write this in the utmost confidence that you shall read it. Ever since my birth, in the troubled year of '88, I have aspired towards many great things. The avenues of my life have led me through countless branched worldly truths, only to find that I felt most at home here, within my own creativity. I feel as though it was always there, buried deep inside. Now, however, following my studies of moving image and film design, my senses have all blossomed and I feel...

I feel renewed. Rejoice, for this will benefit us both, dear reader. If you are still reading, then my story has intrigued you. Very well, dear reader, respond swiftly to this letter and maybe one day our paths will meet. I have always aspired towards greatness. To this day, I have not stopped.


I hope all is well with you, and I also hope that when you need a helping hand I shall be the one you call upon to lend you aid.



Yours sincerely,




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